Called To Serve!
(September 2015)

Called to serve: By James Lantz

       There comes a time in our lives when we can begin to serve. When we entered into this life we were pretty helpless. We needed someone to feed us, bath us, clothe us, and teach us how to do for ourselves and then to help others. It is normal and natural for little children to want to do things for Mommy and Daddy and it is the plan of God for each one to grow up and become useful and productive. There are many ways that we serve our fellow man. Some may grow up and join the military which we refer to as serving our country. Others may become workers in factories or hospitals or business people. Being a housewife and overseeing the home is a very honourable service to the husband as is being a teacher of the children. (1 Tim. 5  & Titus 2:4&5)  We do realize that stay at home Moms are not always honored in our society today and often make financial sacrifices. The sacrifices are well worth it if the time is used to train your children to love God with all their heart and to put God’s things first place. It is even more difficult to raise children as a single parent, but with God, all things are possible.  Isaiah 54:5  ESV  For your Maker is your husband, the Lord of hosts is his name; and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer, the God of the whole earth he is called.  There is great grace available to the one who will humble himself!  (James 4:6 & Ps. 68:6)   The job that we work at (if it is a good job), is a service to mankind. Those who are able to work and are eating someone else’s bread are hurting themselves more than anyone else. These people never develop into the overcomer that God has created them to be, because of their refusal to serve, and their judging themselves as unable to learn and progress. This spirit of withholding is from the evil one and the very opposite of love. God is love and He gave us His best at a huge price!

There is a service that each child of God needs to engage in and that is called being a supplying joint in the body of Christ. We are created to function as one body of Christ in the earth and we do not get the privilege to choose what part we are, but we do get to choose to obey or not to obey.  Isaiah 64:8But now, O Lord, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.   Acts 9:5  And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.  1 Cor. 12:18  But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him.  Being a supplying joint simply means that when we do our part faithfully we help those around us to better do their part thus the work of God is accomplished in the earth through us (the body of Christ)! Many are weak and sickly and others die early because they refuse to be the supplying joint that God has created them to be. In order for us to properly discern the body of Christ we need to acknowledge three components to the body of Christ. First we need to recognize that Jesus suffered in his physical body taking our sicknesses upon himself. (Isaiah 53:4&5  Mt. 8:17  1 Pet. 2:24)  This is not something God is going to do in the future, this is what Jesus already did for us. Our responsibility is to receive it as ours now (present tense). The second part is to recognize that all of God’s people are collectively the body of Christ. The third part is recognizing that our physical bodies are Christ body as well. Jesus said that if we loved him we would keep his commandments and that he would love us and manifest himself to us. Jesus commanded us to love one another as he loved us! (John 13:34  John 15:12)  John 15:17  These things I command you, that ye love one another.  Loving 

These things I command you that you love one another!

one another includes serving our brothers and sisters in Christ.  Gal. 5:13  For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.  One sure way that we serve one another is by serving in our local church. We all need to have the same purpose in serving in our church, that purpose is to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ through preaching and teaching and receiving from the Lord and His ministry gifts. Jesus said that it is very very much more blessed to give than to receive! Regardless if we are studying to preach or teach, practicing our part, or serving in a supportive role, we are serving God by serving our brothers and sisters. There may be some who have just started to attend a church and need to sit and listen for a few months. They need to be built up in their spirit man and very soon they will know if this is their home. When you recognize, this is my church, you need to get in with both feet and both hands, your wallet and your whole being, and serve God by serving his people.  John 12:26 NLTse  Anyone who wants to be my disciple must follow me, because my servants must be where I am. And the Father will honor anyone who serves me.  The repentant son who came home to serve his father was restored to sonship with full privileges, and the elder son was rebuked for not recognizing what was his all along. Our Father in heaven wants us to take ownership in the church because His house is our house! You do not need to feel a special calling to a certain area in order to serve. For example at home, you don’t need to feel called as a dishwasher to wash dirty dishes. The fact that you need clean plates is reason enough. As you serve you will find your place.  Pro. 18:16 A man’s gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men.  We don’t serve our fellow man to earn God’s approval, but we serve because we love. We are God’s masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God prepared ahead of time that we should walk in them. Our desire to see people come to Christ, and miss hell, is reason enough for us to lock arms and serve with those whom God has joined us to. 

       Mt. 20:25-28 NLTse  But Jesus called them together and said, You know that the rulers in this world lord it over their people, and officials flaunt their authority over those under them. But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must become your slave. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.

Rev. 22:12  And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.