What about entitlements? (Pt.1) By James Lantz
In our day, the dictionary defines the word entitlements as the fact of having a right to something or a guarantee of access to something. In a casual sense, the term “entitlement” refers to a notion or belief that one has a right to some particular reward or benefit. Originally, the term “entitlements”, in the United States, was used to identify federal programs like Social Security and Medicare in which workers became entitled to their benefits by paying into the system. Veteran’s benefit’s, federal employee and military retirement plans, are also recognized earned entitlements granted by our Federal government. We have something in America called the “Bill of Right’s”. This refers to the first ten amendments added to the United States Constitution. These amendments were added to clarify the rights of each individual as well as each individual state in these United States. You may recall the following statement in reference to our rights. We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Condensed description of “Bill of Rights”
Free exercise of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom to peaceably assemble, etc.
The right to keep and bear arms.
Restrictions on the quartering of soldiers.
Rights against unreasonable searches and seizures (warrants to be supported by reasonable cause).
Right to remain silent and not witness against yourself, fair compensation for public domain of your land, etc.
Right to a fair trial.
Right to trial by jury.
No excessive bail or fines imposed, no cruel or unusual punishment.
Right to privacy.
Sovereignty of States rights in all matters not specifically granted to the Federal government.
The United States of America is the only nation in history that was created by a people who chose to freely worship God. God had chosen Israel to be a people and nation that would obey and worship him but our founding fathers of this nation desired a constitution that would secure the freedoms of all citizens to freely worship God as they choose. Many of the principles in the constitution of the United States of America were learned from God’s word. What a blessing to be able to choose leaders out from among ourselves that will represent us and our families and values. Our three branches of the government were installed to bring checks and balances necessary to stop tyrannical leadership from enslaving the people. I thank God we have Bill of Rights included with our constitution in this great nation called the United States of America. As you know their is propaganda being spread that an unborn child is not a child, but a fetus, and therefore doesn’t qualify for the right to live. Pressure is being applied endeavoring to train us to think that two of the same sex can make a marriage. There seems to be confusion among many about who should use the girls room and who should use the boys room. I believe our daughters are entitled to go to the restroom with confidence that it is for girls only. We live in a society that has an entitlement mentality. Last year 47 percent of Americans were receiving food stamps. Landowners are being paid to not put in a crop. These things, designed to feed the hungry and to help the farmer, are considered by many, entitlements in our society. Of course the latest propaganda is that everyone is entitled to “free” (somebody has to pay) health care.
A careful search of the scriptures reveals that God wants individuals and business owners (not the government) involved in helping the poor in our own communities. Studies have shown that when the government endeavors to help the poor, that often about 50% or less,of the funding actually gets used to minister to the poor. In the early church we see believers love for the brethren and faith in God to increase them when they actually do what God said. (Deut. 24:21&22 Ruth 2:16&17 1 Tim. 5:3&16 2 Thess. 3:10-12 Acts 4:32-37) Natural thinking leads us to believe that those people who freely gave lands and houses became poorer but the scripture teaches that when we give into the Kingdom of God that God brings increase into our lives! Lord, help us to think like you think!
Does God give entitlements in the Kingdom of God? First of all, let us look at the alternative, to receiving from God. Satan demands that every person die because of the sin of one man, Adam. God, the creator of heaven and earth, demands that every man be given a choice to serve Him and receive eternal life. Deut. 30:19 & 20 . . . I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: That thou mayest love the Lord thy God, and that thou mayest obey his voice, and that thou mayest cleave unto him: for he is your life, and the length of your days . . . Notice the Lord is saying you are entitled to a choice of whether you receive life and good or death and destruction. This choice is activated by your words and actions! Acts 2:21 . . . whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Mark 8:35 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it. God has gone to great length’s to provide eternal life for fallen man but God will not force anyone to choose Him. God has also gone to great length for us to be healed and to prosper here in this earth but sadly many christians refuse to believe the love that God has to us. There is no such thing as you believing God for healing and you not being healed. There is no one who has released faith for provision and God not come through. No, its the people who refuse to believe God will meet all their needs who stay at home and pull the shades and feel sorry for themselves. Those who are believing God are up and bringing their tithes to church. Faith values the hearing of the word of God more than money. They are not down in the mouth but rejoicing and expecting God to supply for them. Faith does not look to the government, the church, a spouse, a parent or friend to supply their need but faith looks to God. Faith does not go by what it looks like but by what God said. Faith is looking for a seed to sow, a person to bless! Faith does not quit! Jesus said the work of God is to believe. We are to labor to enter into rest! That rest is the place of believing so strongly in the power of the Blessing of the Lord that you are rejoicing in the hope of the glory of God. Check your joy level because that is the indicator of what you are expecting. Your expectation is what you are believing and what you are believing is what you will get! Faith does not have the attitude that when God does this then I will obey what he says. God told Abram to leave his country and go to a land that he would show him. Faith does not need all the details to get started, faith comes from hearing from God and knowing God is going to bless your obedience. Faith doesn’t get in a hurry, faith says, however long it takes it will be great! Sarai has some faith to, a lot of wives would say, I am not going until I hear from God myself, and until you show me the house I am going to live in. Yes, God has unearned rights for his children! Luke 15:31 . . . all that I have is thine. Mark 11:24 . . . What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, an ye shall have them. Access your grace through faith! Believe the Love that God has given!