From Coatesville
- Take Route 30 West until Route 10 (Marked Octorara Trail)
- Travel Route 10 South for 3.6 miles (Pass through intersection of Route 372)
- Turn Right on Highland Road and continue west for 1.5 mile
- Turn Left onto Lenover Road
- Continue South on Lenover Road for 75 feet then turn left into driveway.
From Lancaster
- Take Route 30 East to Route 41 South at Gap
- Travel South on Route 41 for 6.5 miles and turn Left onto Highland Road
- Continue East on Highland Road .5 mile then turn right onto Lenover Road.
- Continue South for 75 feet on Lenover Road and turn left into driveway.
From Oxford
- Take Route 10 North to Route 41 at Cochranville
- Turn Left onto Route 41 North and continue 2.9 miles to Highland Road
- Turn Right on Highland Road and continue .5 mile past the Octorara Schools
- Turn right onto Lenover Road
- Continue 75 feet and turn left into driveway.
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